Thank You!
Dear Siblings in Christ and Friends of LYNC,
“General Conference-Charlotte” is now behind us. LYNC was a strong presence with volunteers from around the world to spread the Good News of God’s inclusive and expansive love. The intersections of our work helped us to better understand how we are each impacted by inequalities, inequities, and systemic oppression. We also expanded our presence globally, working with organizers in Africa, Europe, and the Philippines, especially in promoting Worldwide Regionalization, the New Social Principles, and removing harmful language that discriminated against many beloved children of God.
Queer Clergy - Now welcome in The United Methodist Church
In Charlotte, we were a coalition working together. Our outreach included translators, cultural competence training, a worldwide craft market, a safe space for gathering, lunchtime speakers, morning greeters, and support of our legislative agenda. Over 150 pieces of legislation, related to our ministries and our collective mission and vision, were approved and move us closer to the Kindom we envision for the UMC. Without your prayers, gifts, and words of encouragement, we could not have done any of this.
Even as we feel a sense of relief and accomplishment at this new era for the UMC, one where for the first time our BOD and Social Principles do not include language that vilifies or excludes any group or class of people, we know that there is much work to be done. Several of our member organizations will be issuing calls for renewed commitment and work toward removing vestiges of racism, colonialism, white privilege, sexism and so many other “isms” from our corporate practices and structures. We must take time to look carefully in the mirror and find remnants of harmful language or ways that we are less welcoming in our outreach to our neighbors and to many who feel left out. We are called to do this work of reconciliation.
As we journey into new life for the United Methodist Church, you can find updates about the activities of LYNC on our website or Facebook page. Sign up for our newsletter at We appreciate your continuing support. God bless us, everyone.
Many thanks for your commitment to justice and peace.
In Christ,
Mittie Quinn
Leadership Team Co-Convener
Love Your Neighbor Coalition
Neal Christie
Leadership Team Co-Convener
Love Your Neighbor Coalition
LYNC is a coalition of 15 member organizations. Some of those organizations have made statements following the General Conference:
The Inter-Ethnic Strategy and Development Group (IESDG) represents five LYNC Coalition members. Their statement is posted on the Black Methodists for Church Renewal website.
The United Methodist Queer Clergy Caucus also posted a statement on their website.
The May Newsletter of the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement offers a recap of some issues.
Fossil Free UMC offered a recap on their website.
Reconciling Ministries Network shared about the impact of an organized group calling itself the UM Queer Collective in this press release.
An update from United Methodist for Kairos Response is on their website.