LYNC affirms the right to sovereignty of one's own body and reproductive privacy

“Christ values and trusts women. Follow Christ.” This powerful pro-choice message appeared on the sign of a United Methodist Church building across the street from the U.S. Supreme Court. On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court ignored the handwriting on the wall and abandoned judicial restraint by removing fundamental constitutional protections of sovereignty over one's own body and reproductive privacy. We are deeply aggrieved.

The sign in front of the United Methodist Building, Washington DC

Supporters of reproductive justice nationwide are now gathering to rally, speak out, and support one another. If you are among the more than 70% of Americans who support abortion rights, it confirms that you are not alone — Love Your Neighbor Coalition (LYNC) churches and clergy are here for you.

As people of faith, we support reproductive rights as a basic right, including access to reproductive health care and education. United Methodists “affirm the right of men and women [sic] to have access to comprehensive reproductive health/family planning information and services. … Too often women and girls are treated differently than men, denying the divine imprint on our lives. Women and girls face unique realities that necessitate access to safe, affordable, and comprehensive medical care.”

For many individuals, especially those living in poverty anywhere in the world, giving birth is often life-threatening. Worldwide maternal mortality is the leading cause of death for women of childbearing age. Every 90 seconds, someone dies from complications during pregnancy or childbirth; for every person who dies in childbirth, another 20 sustain injury or disability. The decision by the US to overthrow women's right to reproductive health care empowers right-wing extremists and impacts national policies across the world. Learn more about the United Methodist position on abortion.

Mittie Quinn, Co-Convenor of LYNC said, “The Love Your Neighbor Coalition works at the intersection of lives and issues. The rescinding of the right to reproductive health care opens the door to rescinding marriage equality, voting rights, equal education, and so much more. Indigenous folk, those of African descent, and Hispanics(to name a few) will feel the burden of oppression more than those from the dominant culture. But in the end, ALL will feel the fear, the intrusion, and the intimidation that will result from this decision.”

United Methodist Bishop Karen Oliveto, of the Mountain Sky Area said, “To honor my elders who fought for control of their lives and bodies and for the sake of those who will come after me, I will not give up the fight.”

We join her in this renewal of commitment.

Legal decisions that obstruct justice and thriving are not part of God’s hopes for us. May we find courage in community and hope in the liberating gospel of Christ who calls us to love our neighbor.


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